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Showing posts with label Polynesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polynesia. Show all posts

18 May 2024



 Nudging the international dateline, in a time zone of its own, the Kingdom of Tonga is the first land to see the dawn of each new day. Tonga is unique. It's an independent constitutional monarchy and the only South Pacific country never to have been colonised. Because of this independence, the way of life has remained largely unchanged and culturally intact. The people are carefree, funloving and renowned for their sincere goodwill. Tonga still remains far away from it all, still different, still alone, and to the joy of those who find their way to the Kingdom - essentially unspoilt.


The Kingdom of Tonga is made up of some 170 small islands. The administrative and shopping centre is the major town of Nuku'alofa on the largest island - Tongatapu. The atmosphere is often langourous, heady with the perfume of tropical flowers. Here you can still experience the freedom, the magic of being the only soul, idling along a creamy beach and enjoying the natural beauty of an unpolluted environment. The sights are many and varied, natural and historical. To absorb the ambience of Nuku'alofa a walking tour is a must.


10 February 2024


 An Unforgettable South Pacific Experience!

The Cook Islands consist of 15 islands scattered over some 2 million square km of the Pacific Ocean. An unspoiled paradise, complete with white sand beaches, blue lagoons, and lush green mountains. The Cook Islands enjoy a pleasantly warm and sunny climate all year round. The hospitality is warm and spontaneous, the dancing exuberant, the mood relaxed. The old culture lives on with song, dance and an easy pace of life uncomplicated by the turmoil of the outside world. 

Cook Islands, Rarotonga

Rarotonga, Cook Islands

  Rarotonga, the hub of the Cook Islands, has so much to see and do, yet remains unspoilt. No traffic lights, no McDonald’s and no building taller than the highest coconut tree. Round Rarotonga Road Race (32 km, first Saturday in November) is extremely popular and many international runners participate. Rarotonga offers an interesting variety to tempt the taste buds from high class eateries to friendly "island style" cafes. Don't miss special "Island Night" cultural show for an unforgettable experience!


20 June 2015


 It is one of the few white sand beaches on Hawaii. This beach near Kona Town is named Magic Sands because the entire beach will regularly disappear and then return with the natural action of the ocean. Magic Sands is one of the nicer Kona Beaches, suitable for swimming, surfing, boogie boarding, even snorkeling and scuba diving.

The swimming conditions at Magic Sands are generally quite good, particularly when the sand is covering the beach. Even during the winter months when the shoreline has more rocks exposed, there is a sandy bottom in the water. A nice shore break creates some great waves when the surf is up, making La’aloa Bay another popular spot for boogie boarding and surfing. Crowds of people will often gather to relax on the beach and watch the waves roll in. This beach is very popular and gets pretty busy. In addition to water activities, there is a volleyball net and lots of room to  plant your own beach chair and umbrella.

Magic Sands Beach at La’aloa Bay south of Kona is home to a beautiful beach cove, known also as Disappearing Sands Beach, or White Sands Beach.