English-speaking world

Showing posts with label Nottingham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nottingham. Show all posts

23 December 2022


 Don't be seduced by tales of Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham: Nottingham today is a busy, industrial city. Its Norman castle has virtually disappeared, replaced by a much later mansion housing a good museum and art gallery. In the 18th century, Nottingham expanded rapidly as a lace-making center, and the industry flourishes to this day. Red-brick Victorian warehouses at the Lace Market are redolent of the city's past. Back above ground, the city centre is largely pedestrianised and compact, making Nottingham perfect for relaxed strolling, sight-seeing, and shopping.


Robin Hood * Council House * View from Castle Terrace* University

Sherwood Forest is a pale shadow of its former self. However, in the Sherwood Forest Country Park, you can wander among old oaks and be entertained in the visitor center with fanciful legends connected with the ever-popular philantropic outlaw. Clumber Park, further north, has a 4,000 acres of park and woodland.