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Showing posts with label Kimberley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kimberley. Show all posts

12 February 2022



South Africa leads in world gemstone production. Kimberley is the diamond centre of the world.  In 1866, an unusual 'pebble' was found near Kimberley on the banks of the Orange River. The discovery precipitated the world's greatest diamond rush - and changed the course of history. Today, Kimberley is a modern city with broad, tree-lined streets, comfortable hotels and busy shopping centres. But the extraordinary saga of its past seems ever-present, enveloping it in an aura of adventure and drama. If you close your eyes, it's easy to conjure up a picture of the diggers, loafers, gamblers and 'ladies' of ill repute who once inhabited the dusty shanty town. 


The diamond sieve statue in the Civic Centre Gardens depicts the diggers of the early days; with the Oppenheimer Building

The Digger's Fountain commemorates the contribution made by thousands of diggers whom toiled on the mines. Despite the fact that the mines are approaching the end of their lives, the name "Kimberley" will always be synonymous  with diamonds. In the words of former De Beers Chairman, Mr Harry Oppenheimer, 'the city will  remain the capital of the world's diamond industry, even when all the mines around it are silent relics like the Big Hole'.