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Showing posts with label St Helena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Helena. Show all posts

30 October 2015


the most extraordinary place on earth 

Situated 1000 miles from mainland of Africa and 1700 miles from Cape TownThis green gem set in a ring of bronze as a poet once called ST HELENAMuch of its charm lies in its remoteness. The Islander are British and proud of it.
The countryside of St Helena consists of astonishing contrasts. The terrain ranges from wind eroded desert with multi-coloured ridges and valleys, to flax and tree covered hillsides, soft pasture, lush vegetation-filled valleys and large areas of prickly pear scrub. The surrounding coastline is magnificent with 1000 feet high cliffs dropping, sometimes sheer, to rocks against which Atlantic rollers pound.

Jamestown by night. The island's capital Jamestown at night, with the Royal Mail Ship St Helena at anchor in James Bay.

Jamestown is not only the capital of the island it is also the only town. Exploring Jamestown is a delight rather akin to a treasure hunt. By far the greatest number of buildings in the town are of eighteenth or nineteenth century origin. The most spectacular feature of Jamestown is Jacob's Ladder: 699 steps leading from the floor of the valley, on which the town is built, to the top of Ladder Hill.

The island of St Helena is best known as Napoleon's place of exile. Longwood House where Napoleon spent the final six years of his life is filled with Napoleonic memorabilia.
Memories of St Helena will remain long after the rest has faded!


Received from St Helena Tourism