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Showing posts with label Hobart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobart. Show all posts

15 September 2019


Hobart is an enchanting city built around a beautiful harbour and under the spell of nearby majestic Mount Wellington. A strong seafaring flavour and sense of the past give Hobart an almost European air. This feeling heightened in winter when Mount Wellington is snow-capped and temperatures dropped to a crisp 5C. It has an incredible waterfront location, similar to that of her “big sister”, Sydney.

The deepwater harbour on the broad estuary of the Dervent River is Hobart's lifeblood and the port is always busy. The suburbs nestle right up to the lower slopes of Mount Wellington and the city's population spreads both side of the graceful Tasman Bridge. Australia's second oldest capital, Hobart has a wealth of beautiful Georgian buildings. It is the centre of attention in late December every year as the finish line of the famous Sydney to Hobart yacht race.