English-speaking world

Showing posts with label West Yorkshire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Yorkshire. Show all posts

21 January 2018


Situated in the middle of the United Kingdom, with a diverse population of 751,500, Leeds is the third largest and one of the fastest growing, greenest cities in the UK. Metropolitan district’s current population actually makes it the second biggest in England after Birmingham. The city center holds a flamboyant variety of Victorian architecture, in ornate shopping malls and proud  public buildings such as the Corn Exchange and Town Hall. The City Art Gallery excels in its Victorian and 20th-century British art (notably sculpture by Henry Moore). while Armley Mills Museum and Thwaite Mills recall the city's industrial heritage.

Roundhay Park * Civic Hall * Merrion Centre * Boar Lane

The city’s coat of arms has three stars taken from the coat of arms of Sir Thomas Danby, its first mayor; fleece to symbolise the wool industry and three owls taken from the coat of arms of Sir John Saville, who was the first Alderman of Leeds. Leeds’ motto of ‘Pro rege et lege’ is latin and means ‘For king and the law’.