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Showing posts with label Rainbow Country. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rainbow Country. Show all posts

23 April 2021


 A City Built on Nickel

Sudbury is situated on the Canadian Shield in the Great Lakes Basin and is composed of a rich mix of urban, suburban, rural and wilderness environments. Travellers will be hard-pressed to find anything that matches Sudbury's unique combination of natural and created wonders. In the midst of the beautiful Canadian Shield landscape, the city lies in a vast geological basin that yields up  a wealth of precious metals - gold, silver, cobalt, platinum and nickel. In fact, Sudbury has the largest-known concentration of nickel in the world.
A close-up view of the  "Big Nickel" tourist attraction. "Big Nickel Monument" located at Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
One reminder of the importance nickel has played in Sudbury's development in its most famous landmark - an impressive 9 m (30 foot) high replica of a 1951 Canadian 5 cents nickel. The Big Nickel Replica is 24 inches thick and mounted on a base 12 ft. by 12 ft.and 5 ft. thick. You can get deeper into nickel by travelling 20 m down the Big Nickel Mine shaft to the only authentic hard-rock mine in Ontario that's open to visitors.