City of Stories
Overlooked by most tourists, this compact city, made rich in the Middle Ages by the wool trade, has enough sightseeing to fill a long weekend, as well as interesting shopping (especially along St. Benedict's Street), excellent restaurants, and a vibrant arts scene due, in part, to the presence of the University of East Anglia. Exploration naturally starts at the Market Place, permanently covered by the striped awnings of a large, open-air market.
All around lie a host of flint-faced churches (32 medieval churches), as well as medieval streets such a cobbled Elm Hill, lined with overhanging and brightly plastered buildings. But the top sight has to be the cathedral, which features a magnificent display of over 1,000 multicolored roof bosses depicting dramatic scenes in miniature along its grand nave and around its cloisters. The large, serene cathedral close, with elegant Georgian houses, feels like a well-kept village.
Trzeba przyznać, że w Anglii nie brakuje imponujących katedr.