English-speaking world

27 April 2016


Berkeley is a city with a small population and a big reputation. The town of Berkeley was incorporated in 1878, and Berkeley became an official city in 1909. And so Berkeley was, from the beginning, a college town, with all the amenities and spirit of innovation and exploration that influence a great place of learning. It was named for Bishop George Berkeley and inspired by poetry specifically his allusions to ancient Greece, the original model for the University of California as envisioned by its founders. 

University of California campus in foreground, City of Berkeley

The University of California was formally founded in 1869, in Oakland, and moved to its current Berkeley location in 1873. It has at least ten Nobel laureates among its professors. There are many museums, cultural amenities, and noteworthy buildings to visit. The University Art Museum includes works by Piccasso and Cézanne among its exhibits. The main campus landmark, the 307-ft (94-m) Sather Tower, and the splendid Lawrence Hall of Science are both outstanding.

Postcrossing Postcard US-1404774 received from Jillian


  1. tak się właśnie zastanawiałam z czym kojarzy mi się ta nazwa i już wiem - z uniwersytetem i kilkoma eksperymentami, które tam przeprowadzano. sama pocztówka bardzo ciekawa :)

  2. Takie pocztówki mają duszę. Bardzo ciekawa :)

  3. No tak, uniwersytet! Wiedziałam, że ta nazwa z czymś mi się kojarzy. Chyba nawet w jakimś filmie/serialu lub książce była mowa o tej uczelni :) Co do pocztówki to niestety zupełnie nie w moim guście, ale z drugiej strony to kartka z historią.
