English-speaking world

17 January 2016


Spreading over the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the vast lands between Ontario in the east and the Rocky Mountains in the west are commonly called “the Prairies”. They constitute the great wheat-producing region of Canada and are a major source for petroleum, potash, and natural gas. With British Columbia they form the Western Provinces. The Prairies are Canada's breadbasket, three geometrically-shaped provinces which in addition to the wide-open expanses of flat prairie land also collectively include mountains, hills, lakes, shoreline, and metropolitan cities. 

Prairie rainbow

The prairie experience can be unforgettable. Here brightly-painted grain elevators dot distant horizons and mile-long trains can be seen  rushing their loads to market. Everywhere you look, you are reminded that this is grain country. A visit for the first time is to be overwhelmed by the expanse of both earth and sky.

This postcard received from PC user Pat


  1. Bardzo przyjemna kartka. I do tego jeszcze ta tęcza!

  2. Bardzo swojska, aczkolwiek przyjemna w odbiorze pocztówka :) ta tęcza dodaje jej uroku!

  3. Tęcza i bardzo ładny napis, a widok jak u mnie na Warmii latem :)

  4. Gdyby nie było tego napisu to powiedziałabym, że jest to kartka z Polski! :) Bardzo przyjemna kartka i przypomina mi moje dzieciństwo :)
