English-speaking world

11 January 2015


 The Borough of Madison is located in southeast Morris County, New Jersey, about 22 miles due west of New York City’s Times Square. Sometimes called “The Rose City” and “Bottle Hill”. It is a beautiful community overflowing with colonial and Victorian architecture. Madison, named after President James Madison, was nicknamed the Rose City because of a 19th-century rose-growing industry started by wealthy residents drawn to Madison by its location on the Morris & Essex train line. Today, Madison consists of an area of 4.2 square miles, has a population of approximately 16,000 and remains a diverse community. Drew University, which lies on a 186-acre deciduous forest in the community, truly encompasses the heritage of the town and is a reflection of it’s 147-year existence. Main Street, or Route 124, is the borough’s distinct artery for shopping and dining. 

An aerial of this Morris town shows the many fine shops located on Main Street (RT. 24) and the train station nearby. Home to Drew University


  1. Podobają mi się zastępcze nazwy tego miasta, brzmią intrygująco ;)
    Pocztówka ładna, szkoda tylko, że ma taką obszerną ramkę, która jak dla mnie nieco psuje efekt całej kartki. Ale sam widoczek naprawdę ładny :)

  2. W sumie pocztówka jakoś nie zachęca do odwiedzin, szybciej zachęciłaby mnie nazwa - "The Rose City". :)
