English-speaking world

12 September 2014


The Blue Mountains is a national Park and a World Heritage Site. The rugged Blue Mountains, so called because the air in the region often appears to be a bluish colour (a phenomen caused by the evaporation of eucalyptus oil from the gum tree forests). This wilderness is popular with bushwalkers, and the area is home to swamp  wallabies, possums, wombats and an incredible range of colourful birdlife. Distinguished by escarpments, forested valleys and spectacular rock features like this at Hanging Rock, which frustrated many early explorers in their search for a route over the mountains. Many species of flora and fauna that are unique to Australia can be easily seen in the Blue Mountains. In 1959, the Blue Mountains National Park was gazetted, ensuring the preservation of the large tracts of remaining wilderness.

The Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, were carved from sandstone by rivers rushing to the ocean. There, spectacular scenery and wild places can be found, such as Hanging Rock jutting out of the golden sandstone walls of the Grose Valley.

Received from Don


  1. Piękna kartka. Trochę mi się skojarzyła z Wielkim Kanionem w USA.

  2. Jak pięknie! Niebieskie powietrze, to dopiero fenomen, zawsze mnie szokuje, gdy czytam o czarnym piasku na plaży, czy o innym naturalnym, niesamowitym zjawisku.
    Mój brat kiedyś się śmiał, że chce mieć wombata, teraz na bobry się przerzucił.
